The Best Way To Introduce Kids To Line And Space Notes
See below for a Free Printable Pack to go with the post.
Before kids learn to read music notes it is imperative to first teach them how to distinguish between line and space notes.
This distinction should be taught irrespective of their age, as older kids can be left confused by the different notes as much as younger kids, and unless the foundation is laid correctly it is going to be very hard for them to read music notes.
Whether you are a mom who has learned music before or not, you can still give them this fundamental grounding if you have the necessary guidance and tools.
Today, you will receive the tools needed (music theory worksheets and flashcards) along with the guidance necessary to introduce your kids to this fundamental concept in music note reading.
Once you finish reading this post, don’t forget to download the music theory worksheet and flashcards that has been included.
Introduce Line Notes
Show them the flashcard for the line note and tell them that there are five lines in a staff.
With younger kids you can have them count the lines (start from the bottom line and work your way up).
Tell them the line should cut through the middle of the notehead in order for the note to be considered a line note.
Writing Line Notes
When writing a line note ensure the line cuts through the middle of the note.
The upper and lower edges of the note should NOT touch the upper and lower lines.
Show them the line note flashcard and use the music theory work sheets to help them practice writing line notes.
Introduce Space Notes
Now, show them the flashcard for the space note and tell them that there are four spaces in a staff.
With younger kids you can have them count the spaces (start from the bottom space and work your way up).
Tell them the notehead should be nestled inside the space in order for the note to be considered a space note.
Writing Space Notes
When writing a space note ensure that the note is nestled inside the space with the upper and lower edges of the note touching the upper and lower lines on the stave.
Show them the space note flashcard and use the music theory work sheets to help them practice writing space notes.
Line Note And Space Note Exercises/Games
Once they have learned to distinguish the difference you can play a few games with them.
Hold up the flashcard and ask them to call out the name – line or space note.
Next, you can call out line note and have them hold up the correct flashcard.
Another variation of the above games is to draw a line/space note on a paper or white board (instead of using flashcards) and when it is their turn you can call out line/space note and they can draw the note on the paper or white board.
After playing the games, you can proceed to completing the exercises in the music theory worksheet, which I have included.
I would love to hear how successful you were at introducing your kids to the concept of line and space notes.
Karen Cadera
Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.
My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.
Download the FREE Music Theory Worksheet
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