The Absolute Best Way To Teach Your Child To Name Notes On The Keyboard – Step 3

by | Beginner Piano, Homeschool Piano, How To Play Piano, Music Theory, Musicmanship and Technique, Online Piano, Piano Lessons for Kids, Unschooling Piano

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Many parents opt to buy keyboards for their kids that come with the note names pre-printed or the notes in different colours or even the paste note name stickers on the keyboard. 

While I do understand the logic behind this, it is totally unnecessary and in my experience it ends up with kids taking longer to learn the note names and read music notes. 

In today’s post I am going to show you the third step to teach your kids to learn their way around the keyboard. 

Yes, even if you’ve never touched a keyboard in your life, you can still teach your kids to find their way around the keyboard with my ‘ultra easy’ method. 

As a first step please download the theory worksheets and flashcards I have made available so you have everything ready to go. 

Next make sure that you’ve taught them how to identify the recurring patterns and find Groups of 2 and 3 on the keyboard and the names of the white notes in the Group of 2. 

If you haven’t already done so, please read my post The Absolute Best Way To Teach Your Child To Name Notes On The Keyboard – Step 2, before you get started on this one. 



Before you get started it is always best to review what was learned earlier. 

So please ask your kids about the recurring patterns and ask them to show you Groups of 2 throughout the keyboard. 

Ask them to name all the white notes in the Group of 2.

Once you’ve done so, please proceed. 


Learn Note Names For Group Of 3

Today, you will be teaching your kids the names of the white notes that are a part of the group of 3. 

Start by pointing out to the left most white note in the group of 3 (if you are unsure please look at the flashcard I included with this post). 


Identifying F

You can either tell them that the right most white note in a group of 3 is called F or with older kids you can just ask them, what they think the name of the note will be? 

And they will no doubt tell you that it is F. 

Ask them to play all the Fs on the keyboard.

They can start with the left most F on the keyboard. 

If you are on a standard sized keyboard with 88 keys (black and white included), teach your kids to call the left most F – F1, then next F2 and so on. 


Identifying G

Once they point out all the Fs on the keyboard you can ask them what the name of the next note in the group of 3 is. 

They are no doubt going to tell you that ti is G. 

Ask them to point out all the Gs on the keyboard.

Again if you are on a standard sized keyboard, you can have them start at the left most G on the keyboard and call it G1, and so on. 


Identifying A

This can be a bit more tricky unless the kids are familiar with the Musical Alphabet (The Musical Alphabet Game For Beginner Piano Students).

Once you’ve introduced G, you can ask them what they think the next note is called. 

The answer should be A. 

You can ask them to point out all the As on the keyboard.  


Identifying B

The last note or the right most white note in a group of 3 is called B, which your kids will no doubt be able to name for sure with little prompting from you. 

Now that you’ve taught them all the note names.

Review all that they’ve learned before you move to the next step. 


Play A Game

There are several different games you can play with your kids at this stage. 

The first and easiest game is to call out the note name and have your kids play the note on the keyboard

Eg. Say G and have your kids play the note G on the keyboard. 

You can take it step further and ask them to point out all the Gs on the keyboard. 

Want a whole list of really fun games you can play once your kids have learned their way around the keyboard? 

Check out my post 5 ‘Ultra Cool’ Games To Play Once Your Child Has Learned His/Her Way Around The Keyboard. 


That’s it. You are done for the day. 


Make sure you have your kids complete the worksheet that is included with this post, before you proceed to the next step. 


Remember, this post is a part of a series of posts, so remember to check out the next post once you’ve introduced this one to your kids – The Absolute Best Way To Teach Your Child To Name Notes On The Keyboard – Step 4.

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

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