The Absolute Best Way To Teach Your Child To Name Notes On The Keyboard – Step 2

See below for a Free Printable Pack to go with the post.
Similar to the Treble Clef it is very important to ensure kids are able to identify the Bass Clef, irrespective of the instrument they are learning to play and irrespective of what aspect of music they are learning, whether it is sight reading, music theory or whatever else.
So today, I will be explaining how even mom’s with no musical background can still introduce the Bass Clef to their kids in the homeschool.
Let’s get started.
Yes, the very first step is to show them the Bass Clef.
For this, you can either show them the Bass Clef on some sheet music, or better still use the flashcard I have included with this post (you can download it by completing the form below).
Next, you tell them that it is called the Bass Clef.
Also tell the kids that the Bass Clef has another name and that name is F Clef.
It is called F Clef, because when writing the symbol you start writing on the 4th line, which is F (if they haven’t learned to read music notes as yet, this might not make sense to them – either way don’t worry, you can revisit this when they start reading notes).
Now, it is time to explain to them that when they see the Bass Clef, it means notes denoted by it, have to be played with the left hand on the piano (there are exceptions to this rule, which they will learn later on. All they need to know right now is that when they see the Bass Clef, it means that the notes have to be played with the left hand).
Now that they know the name and can identify the Bass Clef, it is time for you to teach them how to write it with technical precision.
Please download my printable and they can learn to write the Bass Clef, as well as get a lot of practice to gain confidence.
Now it is time to play a few games.
But in order to do that, you will first have to introduce them to the Treble Clef.
If you haven’t already done so, read my post 5 ‘Super Easy’ Ways To Introduce Kids To The Treble Clef.
Once you’ve introduced the Treble Clef and Bass Clef, you can use flashcards and have them put up the appropriate hand to correspond with the flashcard you are holding up.
Eg. When you hold up the Treble Clef flashcard, they have to put up their right hand and vice versa.
Want to learn more fun games you can play with your kids?
Then read my post 6 ‘Ridiculously Fun’ Ways To Teach The Difference Between The Treble Clef & The Bass Clef.
Download the printable and flashcard and come back and leave a comment telling me how it went.

Karen Cadera
Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.
My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.
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