4 Absolute ‘Must Know’ Ways To Help Your Budding Composer Excel In The Homeschool

4 Absolute ‘Must Know’ Ways To Help Your Budding Composer Excel In The Homeschool

4 Absolute ‘Must Know’ Ways To Help Your Budding Composer Excel In The Homeschool

Do you have a child that is great at creating his or her own music? 

Even if you don’t think that they he/she is great at it, know that all great composers started somewhere and your child may have the potential to be one as well, even if he may just seem to be puttering around with musical instruments at this time. 

If he or she does have potential, then what should you do about it? 

And how should you go about helping him/her?

In this blog post, I will give you four easy strategies that you can incorporate to your homeschool routine right now and help your budding composer. Now remember, you don’t have to use all these strategies, just one or two will be sufficient. 

So let’s get started. 


Through The Study Of Music Theory

Learning music theory will help your child to analyse music written by the great composers of all time, and this in turn will help your child to learn about what works and what doesn’t work in music. 

Also learning music theory will help your child to put his or her compositions on paper, thus further enabling him or her to share the creations with the world. 


Learning Rhythm And Beat

Simply learning rhythm and beat alone can help your budding composer and here’s how. 

Creating new beats are an important component of composing and therefore learning about variations in beat, by listening to different beats in our own environment is a great starting point. 

Want to know more about how you can teach your child rhythm and beat in the homeschool? Then read my post 4 ‘Super Easy’ Ways To Teach Rhythm & Beat In The Homeschool. 


Listening And Appreciating Music

Simply listening to different genres of music and reading about composers, and learning about the eras in music and instruments of the orchestra, are other great ways in which kids learn about everything related to music. 

This in turn will help them to focus on different styles and techniques, which will then no doubt not only influence their creations but also help to ‘fine tune’ and ‘polish’ their compositions, further. 

Don’t know how to incorporate music appreciation and history of music lessons into your homeschool routine? Then maybe these posts that I have written in the past can help you 4 ‘Unimaginably’ Easy Ways To Incorporate Composer Studies In The Homeschool and 6 Ways To Incorporate Instrument Studies In Your Homeschool. 



This is another great way to help your budding composer in the homeschool. 

Singing helps kids to focus on so many different aspects of music like tone, intonation, emphasis, dynamics, tempo, pitch and so much more, thus unknowingly training their musical ear and thus further fine tuning their ability to create. 

Even if you have no formal training in music, you will still be able to help to child become a better composer, by simply helping him or her sing. 


Now, that you’ve been introduced to some of the easiest strategies possible to help your child continue to create music, which one will you implement first in your homeschool?

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

Play Piano Today!

Teach your child to play piano, today.

Yes, in as little as 30 minutes I can show you how to teach your child to play the piano, for FREE.

What are you waiting for?

Articles That Maybe Of Interest To You

3 ‘Shockingly’ Simple Ways To Teach Children To Appreciate Different Genres Of Music In The Homeschool

3 ‘Shockingly’ Simple Ways To Teach Children To Appreciate Different Genres Of Music In The Homeschool

3 ‘Shockingly’ Simple Ways To Teach Children To Appreciate Different Genres Of Music In The Homeschool

I guess you are surprised to know that there are a variety of very simple ways in which, you can teach your kids to appreciate different genres of music in the homeschool. 

Yes, even if you have no background in music and no formal training, you can still help your kids to appreciate music and you, yourself can learn it in the process as well. 

So let’s get started with the first method. 


Listening Activities

Yes, by simply listening to different genres of music, you can help your kids learn to identify the different nuances therein. 

You can learn about the different musicians and composers who excel in that genre. 

Furthermore, with some online research, you can gain an in-depth understanding of the history of the genre, the greatest players, and much more. 

Want to learn more about adding easy music appreciation activities to your homeschool? Then read my posts 5 Ways To use A Musical Playlist To Learn Music Appreciation, 6 ‘Unbelievably’ Simple Ways To Teach Your Kids Music Analysis and 7 Ways Unschoolers Can Incorporate Or Encourage Kids To Appreciate Music. 


Teaching Music Theory

Yes, now this might not be possible unless you, yourself have a knowledge of music theory. 

But don’t fret. There are a variety of different options that are available to everyone, even musically untrained parents. 

You can join me for 5 Free Piano Lessons, where I will give you the guidance you need to teach your kids to Read Music Music Notes and Play the Piano in just 5 Days, and thereby teaching you music theory as well. 

On the other hand you can find a music theory only course online for your kids to learn or you can join my music theory programs and have your kids learn right here. 


History Of Music

This is another great way to teach your kids to appreciate music, even if you don’t have the know how and don’t have the time right now, to learn music, so you can teach them. 

How you ask, can you teach kids to appreciate music through music history?


Simply learning about different composers, and instruments and eras in music history, will teach them so much about the different genres in music and get them really interested in gaining an in-depth understanding of the subject

Here are some blog posts I wrote on how you can incorporate composer studies and instrument studies as well as history of music lessons into your homeschool routine. Musical Theme Immersion Activities Categorized By Age, 6 Ways To Incorporate Instrument Studies In Your Homeschool, and 4 ‘Unimaginably’ Easy Ways To Incorporate Composer Studies To Your Homeschool. 


Want a made for you music appreciation course? Then sign up right here, for my 4 week music appreciation course and let’s get started. 

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

Play Piano Today!

Teach your child to play piano, today.

Yes, in as little as 30 minutes I can show you how to teach your child to play the piano, for FREE.

What are you waiting for?

Articles That Maybe Of Interest To You

10 ‘Horribly’ Expensive Mistakes Families Make When Paying For Private Music Lessons

10 ‘Horribly’ Expensive Mistakes Families Make When Paying For Private Music Lessons

10 ‘Horribly’ Expensive Mistakes Families Make When Paying For Private Music Lessons

I’m sure you will all agree with me when I say that music lessons can be very expensive for the average family and one of the reasons many families tend to forgo the cost. 


But in the same vain, I don’t think that you will agree with me if I said that one of the main reasons that music lessons are expensive is because, many families unknowingly make a variety of mistakes, when registering their kids for music lessons. 


Read on and let me explain the common mistakes I have seen, and tell you how you can reduce the cost, by eliminating those mistakes. 


Not Focusing On One Instrument

This is a big one, simply having kids learn a variety of different instruments can run up costs. These costs range from the investment in different instruments, the investment in different books and material and much more. 

The easiest way out of this is to have the entire family learn one instrument, instead of each child learning a different instrument. 


Buying Instruments For Each Age Group

Yes, this is actually an expansion or a result of the previous mistake. For instance, with instruments like ukuleles there are several sizes and the simple act of having to upgrade the size of an instrument can result in continuous costs. 

So what is the solution to this? 

Either focus on learning an instrument that doesn’t require continuous age related upgrades, or wait until the child is old enough to handle a standard size instrument and then start music lessons. 


Insisting On Studio Lessons

While there are many benefits to learning music in a studio environment, such as the ability to participate in concerts and recitals and have access to professional level instruments, the costs for studio lessons can be very high. 

Studios have many overheads to cover such as rent, utilities, equipment leasing or depreciation costs, maintenance, support staff salaries and much more.

Often these costs can make up 30% or more of your actual tuition costs. 


Not Looking At Rent To Own Options

While many parents look at purchasing instruments as an investment. 

What if a child losses interest in that specific instrument, and does not want to learn it? 

If it is a small inexpensive instrument like the recorder, it won’t be too bad on the pocketbook, however, if you’d purchased a guitar or a clarinet for instance, the costs could sting. 

So what is the solution?

Rent-to-own. Many instrument stores allow this and so do some music schools. 

Not sold on this idea, then you should read my post The Number One Reason You Should Not But Musical Instruments.

Now this may not be viable with all instruments like the piano, however, there are ways to get around that problem as well. Read my post Desperate To Learn The Piano, But No Piano/Keyboard At Home?


Not Planning Ahead For Materials

This is another big one. When registering their kids for music lessons, most parents only take into consideration the cost of the monthly lessons. 

What really trips them up in the end however, are the other costs that spring up over time, like the cost of books, annual registration costs, family membership costs, class reschedule costs etc. 

Granted, you may not have heard about these costs before, and the music studio your kids attend may not have these charges, but there are many studios that do charge these in fact. 

So don’t assume that these costs don’t exist. 

Before committing to the next semester or year of classes, sit down with the teacher and go over all the expected costs, fees and don’t be shy to ask for reductions, discounts or simply for the elimination of some of those costs. 


Not Being Involved

Research, time and again has continued to indicate that parents who are not involved in their kids education are bound to see lower success rates in their kids. 

This is no different when it comes to music. 

Many different music methods such as the Suzuki method and others, tend to encourage the active involvement of parents in their kids musical education for this very reason. 

Furthermore, it can also be stated that parents who are not involved in their kids’ musical education are likely to end up spending more money than those that are actively involved. 

Still not sold on this idea?

Don’t know how you can be involved in your child’s musical education? 

Then, you definitely should read my post 3 Reasons Why You Should Be Involved In Your Child’s Music Education


Insisting On One On One Classes Instead Of Group Classes

Often parents tend to think that musical education can only be gained through private one on one classes. 

Again, I’m here to tell you that nothing can be further from the truth. 

Really, there are many instances in which group classes are shown to be far more useful for kids learning to play an instrument than one on one classes. 

So what can you do?

If your kids are currently registered in one on one classes, then this is the time for you to rethink and start researching why group classes may be a better fit for your child, when compared to one on one piano classes. 


Not Supplementing The Learning

Focusing totally on the one on one face to face teacher, and expecting the music teacher to fulfil all teaching needs, will result in additional cost. 

This is because there are many aspects of learning music that do not require a face to face music teacher. Thus, if you are not open to supplementing your kids’ music lessons with online music lessons, then you are going to be a lot more likely to reduce the cost. 

So what are some of those aspects that can be supplemented through online learning? The basic foundational skills, such as learning the different notes and reading music notes for instance, music theory are some such aspects that can be learned online. 


Ignoring Online Piano Lessons Totally

Going further on the point I made above, this is a big one. 

Simply stating that online piano lessons are mediocre or won’t work, without a thorough understanding has cost many parents huge sums of money in the long run. 

Therefore, what I suggest is that you do your own research with an open mind and draw your conclusions on both and decide if online piano lessons can help your child. 

Don’t know where to start? Or no time to research? Then you will definitely like my posts that I wrote both for and against online piano lessons. Read both and draw your own conclusions, based on the personality of each of your kids. 

6 ‘Must Know’ Reasons Why Online Piano Lessons Are Not For Your Child

4 Benefits You May Not Have Known About Learning Piano Online


Not Practicing

Kids who don’t practice the piano and review what they have learned often take twice as long to learn the same material, when compared to other kids who practice. 

Often this results in the music teacher having to repeat the same lesson again and again. 

You will no doubt agree with me when I say that in such instances, when the teacher has to repeat the same lesson over and over again, because of the lack of practice, as parents you are just paying for practice time and not for your child to learn new material. 

If your kids don’t like to practice, and haven’t progressed much, you can definitely imagine how much money you’ve wasted by providing them with music lessons that are actually glorified practice sessions. 

So what then is the solution? It’s staring you in the face. 

Get your kids to practice. 

Don’t know where to start or how to do it? 

Then you should read my posts where I discuss different aspects of practice. 

9 ‘No Fail’ Tricks For Happy Practice With Multiple Ages, 

3 ‘Absolute Must Know’ Tricks To Have Your Kids Begging For More Piano Practice, 

5 ‘No Fail’ Ways To Make Piano Practice Fun.

3 ‘Surefire’ Ways To Make Your Child Want To Practice The Piano


Bonus – Not Looking For Cost Efficiencies

This is another huge area. 

Like everything else in life that you pay for, whether it is groceries, insurance or mortgage rates. Look for efficiencies, discounts and shop around. 

Here are some ways in which you can increase cost efficiencies and thus, reduce the cost of music lessons. 

– Double Time – Yes, instead of having 30 minute lessons once a week, ask for 1 hour lessons bi-weekly and ask for a 10% discount. If the teacher visits your home, it can result in reduced transportation costs for him/her, costs which can be passed on to you. 

– Music Theory Online – This way you are only paying the music teacher for actual instrument playing lessons, and can make the learning faster. 

– Classes Every Other Week – Instead of weekly classes, have bi-weekly classes and use the time to review work that is learned, practice, practice, practice and try to review work ahead of the class and be prepared. If you do this, you will be amazed at the progress your kids’ are making with less music lessons and at half the cost. 

– Family Discounts – If you have more than one child learning music, then definitely request family discounts. 

– Older Kids Teaching Younger Kids – Simply having older kids help younger kids in the family with practice, and helping them prepare ahead for the next lessons, will result in your kids progressing really fast through their music education. 

– Not Going To The Same Studio – By going to different music studios rather than one, costs can skyrocket as it is not possible to request for family discounts etc. 


So what do you think of these horrible mistakes? Has your family made these mistakes and has it resulted in high costs for you? 

Comment below and let me know which of the above has cost you the most and what you are going to do differently in the future. 

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

Play Piano Today!

Teach your child to play piano, today.

Yes, in as little as 30 minutes I can show you how to teach your child to play the piano, for FREE.

What are you waiting for?

This program reminded me (and allowed me to teach my son) how to read music. To me, that was the most important thing that we learned together. Of course, it was very rewarding for me to watch my son play the piano with both hands at the same time, while reading sheet music. His favorite parts of the course were actually playing the songs and doing the worksheets provided.

Carrie M.

Stay At Home Mom

Articles That Maybe Of Interest To You

5 Shockingly Simple Ways To Provide Music Lessons For Kids In The Homeschool

5 Shockingly Simple Ways To Provide Music Lessons For Kids In The Homeschool

5 Shockingly Simple Ways To Provide Music Lessons For Kids In The Homeschool

If you’ve been a reader of my blog or listened to my podcasts in the past, you will know that I’m a great advocate for helping parents who have absolutely no training or minimal formal training in music, to teach their kids music in the homeschool. 

One of the biggest hurdles that I know parents come across when trying to teach their kids music in the homeschool is the mental block. 

Parents with no formal musical training and even those who’ve learned music tend to believe that music can only be taught by someone who has a degree in it. 

This is so not true. 

So in this blog post, I’m going to teach you 5 different yet shockingly easy strategies that you can incorporate to provide music lessons in the homeschool even though you may have never learned music yourself. 



Yes, it can be as easy as clapping. 

You don’t need a degree in music to clap, do you?

So clapping is something that you and your kids can easily do in your homeschool. 

Learning to clap along to a song, teaches your kids rhythm and beat. 

Clapping to a beat is a very important skill and that is one of the reasons why many music examination bodies include it as an essential skill to be tested at music exams. 

Still not convinced that clapping can help you teach your learn music in the homeschool? Then read my post 5 Important Reasons Why Your Child Needs To Learn To Clap. 


Rhythm & Beat

Teaching your kids rhythm & beat in the homeschool can be as easy as 1, 2, 3. 

Our natural environment is filled with natural rhythms and beats from our hearts to the flow of water, rhythm and beat is everywhere. 

Listening and trying to imitate different rhythms and beats and creating your own, are some of the easiest ways in which to learn to identify, imitate, appreciate and create music. 

Want to learn how you can teach rhythm and beat in the homeschool? Then read this post 4 Super Easy Ways To teach Rhythm & Beat In The Homeschool. 



Yes, it can be as easy as singing, just as it was as easy as clapping. 

Singing uses a variety of different skills, such as the ability to change pitch, dynamics, tempo and much more. 

However, you don’t have to have a degree in music to be able to sing. 

Singing is something that comes naturally to all of us and can be done daily in the homeschool. 

Still not convinced? Then read this post 3 ‘Must Know’ Reasons Why Learning To Sing Is Important and 3 ‘Super Easy’ Ways To Teach Your Child To Sing In The Homeschool. 


Learning About An Instrument or A Composer

Learning the history of music is one of the easiest and most fun ways to bring music into the homeschool and it does not require any additional skills from you as a parent. 

In the following posts, I don’t only go in to detail about the importance of the history of music but also give you specific strategies on how you can incorporate history of music, composer studies and instrument studies, into your homeschool. 3 Reasons Why Your Child Needs To Learn History Of Music, 6 Ways To Incorporate Instrument Studies In your Homeschool, and 4 ‘Unimaginably’ Easy Ways To Incorporate Composer Studies Into The Homeschool Environment. 


Listening To Music

Yes, another really easy strategy. 

Listening to music is another great way to bring music lessons to your kids in the homeschool and does not require any formal training on your part. 

Read my post 9 ‘Shockingly’ Simple Ways To Use Your Amazon Prime/Apple Music/Spotify To Add More Musical Joy To Your Home, and 5 Ways To Use A Musical Playlist To Learn Music Appreciation to learn how you can use the simple act of listening to music, as a bridge to teaching your kids music in the homeschool. 


So what do you think? Are these strategies easy enough? 

Will you be implementing any of them starting today? If so, which one?  

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

Play Piano Today!

Teach your child to play piano, today.

Yes, in as little as 30 minutes I can show you how to teach your child to play the piano, for FREE.

What are you waiting for?

This program reminded me (and allowed me to teach my son) how to read music. To me, that was the most important thing that we learned together. Of course, it was very rewarding for me to watch my son play the piano with both hands at the same time, while reading sheet music. His favorite parts of the course were actually playing the songs and doing the worksheets provided.

Carrie M.

Stay At Home Mom

Articles That Maybe Of Interest To You

3 ‘Super Easy’ Ways To Teach Your Child To Sing In The Homeschool

3 ‘Super Easy’ Ways To Teach Your Child To Sing In The Homeschool

3 ‘Super Easy’ Ways To Teach Your Child To Sing In The Homeschool

Singing is one of the easiest ways in which to incorporate music in your homeschool routine. 

And it is something that can be done every single day without too much hassle. 

Also singing has one of the biggest advantages, and that is almost all of us can sing. 

Yes, even if you think that you are not a good singer, I can bet you anything and I’m sure you will be able to hold a short simple tune. 

Furthermore, you don’t need a degree in music to teach your children to sing, yet the simple act of singing will teach them so many different aspects of music such as rhythm and beat, dynamics, tone, pitch, tempo and much more. 

Singing is so important that even in instrument study exams, examination bodies the world over, incorporate and test singing because they consider it to be an essential skill. 

So in this blog post, I’m going to give you three strategies for teaching singing in the homeschool. 


Play A Note And Try To Match It

If you have an instrument like a piano or a keyboard in the house, just play a single note and ask your kids to pitch the note. 

That’s it. 

As simple as that. 

Know that they may struggle at the start and you may too, but with practice they will get it. 

Try to stick to the middle of the keyboard and try to pitch the note correctly before moving to another note. 


Play Two Notes

Now, that your child is able to pitch one note, it is time to move from one note to the very next. 

Play the first note and ask him or her to pitch it and then move to the next note and ask him or her to pitch that as well. 

By doing so, in no time you would have pitched all the notes. 

Don’t have a piano or a keyboard in the house? Look for an online keyboard and start by pressing middle C and proceed with this exercise. 


Sing Back Easy Songs

One of the reasons we think that we are unable to sing is because we attempt to sing really difficult songs. 

In fact if we try to sing easy songs and start off with nursery rhymes and work our way up to more complex songs we will often see more success and gain more confidence. 

So as a first step start off with really easy songs like Twinkle, twinkle little star and move on. 


Now that you’ve read this post, what do you think? 

Do you think this is easy enough? 

Then go in order and try the first two strategies, get familiar with it before you move to the third strategy. 

Not convinced that singing is a really important musical skill to develop? Then, read my post, 3 ‘Must Know’ Reasons Why Learning To Sing Is Important. 

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

Play Piano Today!

Teach your child to play piano, today.

Yes, in as little as 30 minutes I can show you how to teach your child to play the piano, for FREE.

What are you waiting for?

Articles That Maybe Of Interest To You

11 Shocking Reasons Why Private Music Lessons Are So Unaffordable

11 Shocking Reasons Why Private Music Lessons Are So Unaffordable

11 Shocking Reasons Why Private Music Lessons Are So Unaffordable

One of the complaints I hear from parents over and over again is that private music lessons are so expensive and take a huge bite out of their budget. Therefore in the last few blog posts, I have been discussing why that is so and what you can do to reduce the cost. 


In this post, I’m going to hone in specifically on why private music lessons are unaffordable, so you can identify, exactly what is costing you and then do something about it immediately. 


Once you’ve read this post, if you are still not sure how to reduce the cost of private lessons for your entire family, I have provided links to previous posts I have written giving exact steps on what you can do, to reduce the cost. 

So even if you can’t identify the specific problem that is resulting in high costs for you, you can still implement some of the strategies suggested in the previous posts, to reduce the cost. 


As a first step however, I suggest that you read this post and try to identify the problem that is unique to your family. 


Lack Of Focus

When I refer to lack of focus, I’m not talking about your children’s inability to focus for too long on a specific subject. That actually is problem we all face. 

On the contrary I’m talking about the focus on musical learning in the family. 

If each child in the family is focused on learning a different instrument, then that is definitely a recipe for high costs of music lesson. 

In your family are you focused on learning just one instrument or are your children learning a variety of different instruments?


Studio Lessons

Most parents like to opt for studio lessons, because of the benefits of having kids learn on professional instruments, the opportunity to perform at the year end concert and so on. 

But did you know that the tuition often includes costs of overheads, which include but are not limited to just rent, but rather for all the musical instruments and audio equipment and much more that your children may not even be benefiting from?

Do your kids learn at a studio? What overheads do you think are included in the tuition? Do you think if you changed studios or had a teacher visit your home to teach your kids, the costs could be reduced?


Individual Lessons Per Child

Having individual one on one lessons per child can also be very costly. 

If this is one of the reasons that your family’s music lesson costs are so high, it maybe time to look at alternatives such as group classes for the kids who are closer in age. 


Starting At The Very Beginning

There is a common myth that private lessons are the best, and for very young kids and even older kids from the very beginning lessons should be face to face. 

This is not always true and actually using online courses to learn the basics can be very cost effective, thus saving much money, which can then be used for private lessons, when the children reach an advanced stage. 

If your kids are interested in learning to play the piano, then why not enrol your kids in my FREE Read Music Notes & Play The Piano In Five Days course and shave six months of private piano  lesson costs. 


Buying Instruments For Different Ages

This is another huge cost factor. 

When kids are learning different instruments, it is necessary to buy different instruments thus increasing the cost of music lessons in the family. 

Also if kids are learning to play instruments like guitars and ukuleles buying age appropriate sizes is important, but it can also result in high costs for the family. 

Is this an area where costs are sky rocketing for your family? 

Want to know how you can fill your home with instruments without actually spending too much? Then you should read my posts 

9 ‘No Fail’ Ways To Fill Your Homeschool With Musical Instruments

Desperate To Play The Piano, But No Piano/Keyboard At Home?


Lack Of Planning

Parents go head long into paying for music lessons often based on the monthly cost. 

However, they forget to factor in the costs of musical instruments, concert fees, books and material costs and much more, and often see their family budget for music lessons shattered, when these unplanned costs pop up. 

Has this happened to you as well? If not, remember it still can happen, so before you go any further, have a chat with your children’s music teacher and discuss upcoming costs. 

Find alternatives to incurring those costs, wherever possible.


Lack Of Sharing Knowledge

In families with multiple kids ranging from teenagers to really young kids, there are many opportunities for sharing knowledge. 

Knowledge that the older kids have, which can be imparted to the younger ones is very valuable

Not making use of these opportunities also ends up costing families a pretty penny in the long run. 


Not Asking For Discounts 

Often, having different teachers for each of the kids’ is another reasons music lessons cost so much. 

If you can have just one teacher for all your children, then you can request a family discount or double up learning time and/or have group classes etc to reduce the cost of the lessons. 


Not Being Creative

Parents forget that one on one music lessons are not the only way to provide their kids with a musical education. There are numerous ways in which to provide a musical education to kids. 

Kids can join the church choir and be trained to sing for free. 

They can join a local orchestra etc. 

Can you think of some creative ways, how you can bring music lessons to your kids without private music lessons? 

Want ideas? 

The read my post 5 Creative Ways To Add Music To Your Homeschool.


Not Practicing

When children don’t practice and review what they have learned, they will be often be stuck in one section and not progress. 

Does this frequently happen to your kids? If so, this is another reason why you will end up paying much more than you should, for your children’s music education. 


Not Supplementing Learning

Parents don’t often think of supplementing their kids music lessons with additional online courses etc. Remember, not all music education needs to be gained with a face to face teacher. 

Music theory for instance can be learned online, so why waste the one on one music teacher’s time learning music theory and paying for it, when you can just learn that component online?


Now it is your turn to chime in and let me know, which of the above mistakes you have made and what you are going to do in the future, to reduce the cost of private music lessons in your family. 


Want to read more about how you can reduce the cost of private music lessons for your family? Then you should read my previous posts

10 ‘Ridiculously’ Simple Ways To Make Music Lessons More Affordable

11 ‘Amazingly’ Simple Ways To Have Affordable Music Lessons For The Entire Family

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

Play Piano Today!

Teach your child to play piano, today.

Yes, in as little as 30 minutes I can show you how to teach your child to play the piano, for FREE.

What are you waiting for?

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