8 ‘Never Thought Of’ Ways To Introduce The History Of Music To Pre-School Kids

by | Elementary School Music Activities, Homeschool Music, Music Appreciation, Musical Activities For Kids, Pre School Music Activities

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Don’t think that pre-school aged kids or those below the age of 5 are too young to learn about the history of music. 

Kids in this age group are full of curiosity and love everything to do with medieval times, so why not take this amazing opportunity to teach them about music from a by gone era? 

In this post, I have explained all the different activities you can do and I have even included adorable printables to help you take your kids learning to the next level. 

Ready to get started?

Here goes. 


Live Performances

Little ones love everything to do with medieval times and if you live in a city like Toronto for instance, why not take in a dinner and performance if it is within your budget? 

That way your kids will not only be exposed to life in the era, but also music from the era. 


Learn About A Composer

Pick an era in music like the Baroque era for instance and teach your kids about Vivaldi, tell them about his life and have them listen to some of his music. 

Use the printables I have provided to take their learning to the next level. 


Learn About An Instrument

While you are learning about Vivaldi, why not learn about the violin as well? 

That was the instrument of Vivaldi’s choice and it was very popular during the Baroque era. 


Listen To Music From The Era

If you haven’t already done so, compile a list of songs from the Baroque era and play it in the background throughout your homeschool day. 

This way your child will become very familiar with music from the era. 


Watch A Movie From The Era

How about doing something even more fun and watching a movie that is set in the era. 

If your kids are learning about the Medieval era in music, why not watch some episodes of Mike the Knight for instance? 


Learn About Medieval Food

Yes, you can take it a further step and learn about medieval food. 

Why not even have them help you make a medieval dish?

Now you have totally immersed them in a history of music lesson, but wait, there’s more. 


Learn A Limerick

Yes, limericks were very popular in by gone eras, so why not learn some really fun limericks?

You’ll have your kids in gales of laughter. 


Go The Museum

What a fun field idea trip? 

Not only will your kids be learning about an era in music, but they will also be fascinated by the artefacts they can see and things that they can experience at the museum pertaining to the specific era that you introduced them too. 


Do you see? 

Introducing them to the history of music can be so much fun, what are you waiting for?

Get started right now. 

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

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Yes, in as little as 30 minutes I can show you how to teach your child to play the piano, for FREE.

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