7 ‘Unbelievable’ Reasons Why Private Piano Lessons For Large Families Are So Unaffordable

One of the biggest stumbling blocks when it comes to large families, is that piano lessons can be extremely expensive, especially if all the kids want to learn the instrument.
Most parents think there is no way around it, but I beg to differ. And in this post, I am going to explain why private piano lessons are so expensive in the hopes that you can identify some of the unique problems your family is faced with and then rectify it, thus ensuring that you can lower the cost or make it more cost effective so all your kids can learn to play the piano.
Weekly Lessons
One of the main reasons why piano lessons are so expensive is because piano teachers insist that lessons have to be weekly in frequency.
While there is merit to this argument, it doesn’t have to be so.
if kids are able to absorb more, are older and are able to stay focused, then they are ideal candidates for longer bi-weekly lessons.
Thus, instead of having weekly 30 minute lessons, you could opt for bi-weekly 45 minute lessons.
Of course there are a few caveats to this, which I will explain in a later point.
One On One Lessons
This is another reason that private piano lessons become very expensive for large families.
Can you imagine having 3 or more kids and having to pay for private one on one classes for all of them?
No, the costs can be astronomical.
Parents should remember that with the right teacher and the right teaching methodology group classes can be a definite alternative.
Not Supplementing Lessons
Piano lessons cannot be considered complete, without having kids learn music theory, composition, rhythm and beat, sight reading and much more.
However, not all of these aspects require the physical presence of the teacher, like form and technique does in the more advanced stages.
Therefore, instead of paying the private piano teacher to spend time on all of the above aspects, if parents are willing to simply have the teacher only focus on the actual instrument mastery, costs can be significantly lower.
Now, don’t get me wrong, the other aspects are not unimportant, rather they can be learned online, with my courses, kids can learn the history of music, music theory and much more online, and use the knowledge to supplement their private piano classes.
Not Practicing
The first point that I made was that weekly piano lessons are not necessary and that is one of the reasons why private piano lessons can be so expensive.
Well, if kids practice and review what they learn daily, they will continue to progress very fast and they will also be able to have less frequent face to face lessons.
Thus, you can enjoy significant cost savings, by simply having your kids practice.
Remember, not practicing is costing you dearly and has bee shown to be one of the many reasons kids never really master the instrument they are learning.
If your kids hate practicing the piano, then please read the following posts and implement the ideas and strategies that are suggested.
9 ‘No Fail’ Tricks For Happy Practice With Multiple Ages,
3 ‘Absolute Must Know’ Tricks To Have Your Kids Begging For More Piano Practice,
5 ‘No Fail’ Ways To Make Piano Practice Fun.
Not Planning Ahead
This is another big reason why piano lesson costs for large families just get out of hand.
However, it is one that not many piano parents think about.
Often parents sign up their kids for piano lessons, based on the price of the monthly lessons, without taking into consideration other costs that they may have to incur.
This often happens because parents don’t know that there will be other costs and when they are hit with those costs, it can seem like too much.
So what are these other costs and what can you do about them?
Other costs include, purchase of newer instruments, concert and recital fees, material costs, competition and exam costs and much more.
In terms of what you can do about it. Have a candid chat with your piano teacher or the piano studio and gather a list of all the possible costs that you will have to incur per child for the entire year.
Then ask the teacher what options you have to reduce some of these costs and don’t be afraid to be creative.
Starting At The Very Beginning
This is another reasons why private piano lessons are so expensive.
Often parents think that children as young as four have to start piano lessons with a face to face teacher.
Others parents who have never learned to play the piano think that since they have no musical background or knowledge of the instrument they cannot teach their kids to play the piano themselves.
None, of these are correct.
You can absolutely teach your child to play the piano even if you’ve never touched an instrument in your life and that is exactly what I do with my FREE Read Music Notes & Play Piano In 5 Days, course. want to try it out?
Also, by starting when your child has learned the basics, you can shave off at least 6 months of music lesson costs and save it up for when your child gets to the intermediate or the advanced stage.
Not Looking For Cost Efficiencies
Finally, one of the biggest reasons that private piano lessons are so unaffordable is because, parents simply don’t know that they can look for a variety of different cost efficiencies.
Don’t be shy, ask your private piano teacher for a family discount, because you have multiple kids learning from him/her.
Instead of having 30 minute lessons weekly, why not have 45 minute lessons bi-weekly?
Without having individual lessons per child, why not group the kids closest in age together and have a group class and reduce the tuition payment in that manner?
I would love to know what other ways you can find to make private piano lessons more affordable for large families.
Want to know how you can get double the value from your private music lessons? Then read my post, 6 ‘Sneaky’ Yet Awesome Ways To Get Double Value From Private Piano Lessons.

Karen Cadera
Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.
My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.
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