See below for a Free Printable Pack to go with the post.

Have you heard of the Carnival of the Animals? 

Do you like it? 

Have you introduced it to your kids?

I’m sure there isn’t a single homeschooling parent who hasn’t heard of the Carnival of the Animals, or hasn’t had their child watch or listen to the music. 

However, I have come across tons and tons of parents who simply have no idea what they could do besides having their kids listen to the different movements. 

So in this post, I’m going to explain seven different ways you can use the Carnival of the Animals to engage your kids irrespective of their ages 

What is more? I have even included a printable with age appropriate worksheets for kids ranging from 4 to 17. 

So don’t forget to download it once you’re done reading this post. 


Create A Playlist And Listen

This is the first and easiest thing to do. 

Create a playlist consisting of all the movements and play it continuously in the background in your homeschool. 

This way kids will automatically become accustomed to the different movements.


Compare The Different Movements

Older kids can write a short essay comparing two different movements in terms of pace, pitch, volume and instruments used. 

With younger kids you can simply discuss these aspects. 


Research The Composer

Ask older kids to complete a research project on Camille Saint Saens and create a poster board or presentation about his early childhood, education, works and his contribution to music in general. 

When older kids present, the younger kids can learn some important facts about Saint Saens. 


Research The Different Instruments

Each of the movements uses a different combination of instruments. 

Why not select a few instruments to learn about?

Want more ideas on how you can create an instrument study unit for your kids?

Check out my post 8 ‘Super Fun’ Age Appropriate Instrument Study Activities. 


Take In A Live Performance

This would be lovely if you can find a performance in your local area. 

However, if that is not possible, look for some on the internet, allocate some time in your calendar, schedule it in and watch with the whole family. 


Field Trip

Why not take a field trip to the local instrument store and check out some of the instruments they heard in the movements?

They can actually touch and feel these instruments and listen to them in person. 


Learn About The Romantic Era In Music

Older kids can research the romantic era in music, which incidentally was the time of Saint Seans’ and learn about the changes that took place in style and different instruments that evolved during the era. 


What do you think?

Do you think you can increase the engagement of your kids in the homeschool with the above activities?

Which one will you implement first? Please comment below.

Now that you have read through the post, don’t forget to download the printable I have made available. 

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

Play Piano Today!

Teach your child to play piano, today.

Yes, in as little as 30 minutes I can show you how to teach your child to play the piano, for FREE.

What are you waiting for?

This program reminded me (and allowed me to teach my son) how to read music. To me, that was the most important thing that we learned together. Of course, it was very rewarding for me to watch my son play the piano with both hands at the same time, while reading sheet music. His favorite parts of the course were actually playing the songs and doing the worksheets provided.

Carrie M.

Stay At Home Mom

Download the FREE Carnival of the Animals Worksheets

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