Do you think your ‘almost’ 2 year old is too young to learn music?

Think again. 

Even if your child is not yet 1 year old you can still start teaching her music. 

In this post I will show you some very simple techniques that you can use to to introduce your child to music. 

Don’t worry, you don’t need a degree in music to be able to implement these ideas. 

Anyone, even those with absolutely no musical background can implement these techniques in the comfort of their homes. 


So here goes. 



Yes, sing to your baby. 

Maybe you don’t have perfect pitch, but that doesn’t matter. 

Start with nursery rhymes, they are very easy to sing and even if you don’t have perfect pitch, you will still be able to sing. 

With older toddlers, pick more age appropriate music and songs that they love and start singing. 



If you are too self conscious to sing, you can hum and clap or simply clap to the beat. 

Encourage your child to do the same and you will soon see how apt she is at picking up the beat. 


Pick Up The Beat

You can expand further on the previous suggestion, by taking a stroll in nature and picking up the different beats you hear. 

Maybe the tap, tap, tap of a woodpecker, or drop, drop, drop of rain pelting, and even the beat of your child’s heart are all rhythms that you can imitate either by clapping, using chopsticks, your foot or simply the palm of your hand against your thigh. 


Playing Classical Music

Look around for classical music playlists and play it in the background in your home. 

Also you can look out for CDs at garage sales and other place, or simply borrow from the library. 

Want more ideas on how to collect Classical Music CD’s for your home library, then read my post on 7 ‘Unbelievable’ Ways To Add Musicals To Your Homeschool, and you can use the same ideas to add more CDs to your homeschool library. 


Reading Stories About Composers

If you read stories to your toddler, then find books for young learners that cover composer biographies and read them to your child on a regular basis. 

Read my reviews on different composer biographies for different ages. 



Yes, dance with your child, create a playlist on your iPod or just play your favourite CD or radio station and dance with your child. 

If you baby hasn’t started walking as yet, you can carry him and dance, the swaying to and fro will be fun, it will keep you active and will teach him rhythm. 

Remember, there are numerous other ways you can introduce your toddler to music, but in my opinion the suggestions made here are the easiest and simplest to implement for parents whether they have a musical background or not. 


Do you like these suggestions? Which one are you hoping to try out today? Do you have any questions on how you can implement these ideas? 


I am eagerly waiting to hear your comments. 

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

Play Piano Today!

Teach your child to play piano, today.

Yes, in as little as 30 minutes I can show you how to teach your child to play the piano, for FREE.

What are you waiting for?

This program reminded me (and allowed me to teach my son) how to read music. To me, that was the most important thing that we learned together. Of course, it was very rewarding for me to watch my son play the piano with both hands at the same time, while reading sheet music. His favorite parts of the course were actually playing the songs and doing the worksheets provided.

Carrie M.

Stay At Home Mom

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