6 ‘Ridiculously’ Simple Ways To Bring Music Into Your Homeschool Without Private Lessons
One of the greatest regrets of older homeschoolers and unschoolers, is that for various reasons they were unable to bring music into their homeschools.
When I speak to many of them they always say, ‘if only we had the resources that are now available, back in the day, then we could have taught our kids music too’.
While I do sympathize with them, I also know many homeschooling parents who tend to think that there is no alternative to teaching their kids, other than to hire a private music teacher.
So in this post, I’m going to show you six ways in which, you can bring music into your homeschool without private lessons.
Let me start off with one of my favourite ways to do so.
Composer Studies
You can incorporate composer studies, in your homeschool routine by having your kids research and learn about a specific composer a month.
Another method to do this is to encourage your kids to read composer biographies, whether online or through books that they borrow from the library.
Want more ideas on how you can incorporate composer studies into your homeschool? Then read my post, 4 ‘Unimaginably’ Easy Ways To Incorporate Composer Studies Into Your Homeschool Curriculum.
Instrument Studies
Similar to composer studies, you can pick a specific instrument to study and have your kids totally immerse themselves in the research about the instrument and listen to instrumental music for that specific instrument.
For more ideas on how you can incorporate instrument studies into your homeschool routine, read my post 6 Ways To Incorporate Instrument Studies Into Your Homeschool.
Online Courses
Not only can you teach your kids to play musical instruments like the piano through online courses, but you can also have them take a variety of different music appreciation courses.
Want your children to learn to play the piano, then sign up right now for my FREE piano course and have them Reading Music Notes and Playing the Piano in less than 5 Days.
Want to try out some music appreciation courses that I have on offer. You and check out the FREE options right now (ideal for kids between 4 – 14).
If you have kids who want to learn instruments like the recorder, ukulele or guitar, then you can read my recommendations for such courses in this post 5 Best Elementary Music Courses For Kids.
History And Literature Studies
If you do history and literature studies with your kids, then you can blend in music appreciation along with these studies.
For instance if you celebrate Black History Month, then why not study about Black Musicians.
If your kids are learning about Shakespeare for instance you can have them research about the composers who lived during the time of Shakespeare.
For more ideas on how you can blend music into other subjects that your children are already learning, read my post on 5 Ways To Blend Music With Other Subjects.
Music Theory
You can teach your kids music theory or find an online course that will do so.
Learning music theory has a variety of different benefits, it helps with sight reading, music composition and many more areas that are crucial for a well rounded musical learning.
Hymn Studies
Hymn Studies are another really lovely way to incorporate music into your homeschool. Whether it is through the study or singing of each hymn.
Now, I would love to know which of the above strategies you will be incorporating in to your homeschool routine today.
Karen Cadera
Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.
My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.
This program reminded me (and allowed me to teach my son) how to read music. To me, that was the most important thing that we learned together. Of course, it was very rewarding for me to watch my son play the piano with both hands at the same time, while reading sheet music. His favorite parts of the course were actually playing the songs and doing the worksheets provided.
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