5 ‘Must Know’ Ways To Blend History And Music Studies For Tweens

by | Homeschool Music, Middle School Music Activities, Music Appreciation, Musical Activities For Kids

See below for a Free Printable Pack to go with the post.

Do your tweens learn history in the homeschool? What history do you teach?

American, British, world history?

Either way, did you know that you can blend history studies with music appreciation?

I see the surprise in your face. 

Yes, you can. 

You can blend history and music studies and make it one really fun project. 

I can see some of those doubtful faces right now, but let me stop you there. 

In this post I am going to explain to you how you can convert any history lesson in to a blended history and music lesson.

I have even created a printable and made it available to help your tweens and my printables can be used irrespective of the type of event, revolution, political era that your children are learning in the homeschool. 

So don’t forget to download it. 

Now let’s get started

For this post I’m going to assume that your kids are learning about the middle ages, which is considered as medieval times in music. 


Medieval Instruments

This would be a fantastic place to start. 

Why not learn about some of the common medieval musical instruments such as the Sackbut. 

Your tweens can carry out an in-depth research study of the instrument, learn about its origin and what it has evolved into in the centuries following. 

You can even ask your tweens to create a playlist of songs played with a sackbut and listen to the playlist in the background when homeschooling. 


Medieval Composers

There were many composers from the medieval era like Hildegard Of Bingen and Guillaume DuFey and others. 

Why not ask your tween to select one or maybe two composers to research? 

Compare and contrast their life and work. 

Discuss how they contributed to the early formation and musical structure. 

Again you can encourage your tween to find and create a playlist of music composed by one or more of the individuals and play it in the background, during homeschooling hours. 


Genres Of Music

Depending on the time in history your kids are learning about, there could be some really interesting genres of music that originated in that era. 

In the case of the medieval era, while there were a few different genres, almost all music was related to worship and religious tradition (in Europe). 

Therefore, exploration in to music during the medieval era in other cultures like Chinese, African and Arabian music will no doubt be very interesting. 

Either way, ask your tween to select a genre or two, create playlists, listen to the music and then compare and contrast the two genres in terms of instruments used, the origin, evolution and so forth. 


Political Influence On Music

Politics played a huge role in music across the world in bygone centuries

If your tween is learning about a specific political event, then ask him to research how it influenced music. Were any of the monarchs or rulers patrons of the arts and if so, how did that influence music and develop it during the era?


Take An Online Course

Why not take an online course that is complete with music starting in the medieval era and goes all the way into the modern era.

That way no matter what country or event your kids are learning about in the homeschool, you will always be able to blend history and music studies together. 

Your tween can learn about all the different instruments and composers of the eras and also the political, economic and social events that further contributed to the development of music. 

Try out a preview unit in my History Of Music Online Unit Study and use the coupon to get a 50% discount on the price. 


I’m eager to know which one of the above ideas you will be implementing first. 

So please comment below. 

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

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This program reminded me (and allowed me to teach my son) how to read music. To me, that was the most important thing that we learned together. Of course, it was very rewarding for me to watch my son play the piano with both hands at the same time, while reading sheet music. His favorite parts of the course were actually playing the songs and doing the worksheets provided.

Carrie M.

Stay At Home Mom

Download the FREE History & Music Worksheets

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