4 ‘Simply Exhilarating’ Ways To Introduce Different Genres Of Music To Primary School Kids

by | Elementary School Music Activities, Homeschool Music, Music Appreciation, Musical Activities For Kids, Primary School Music Activities

See below for a Free Printable Pack to go with the post.

One of the best ways to introduce elementary school kids to music appreciation is to start by introducing them to different genres of music. 

Even though it does sound like something complicated, when broken into bite sized pieces and steps it is very easy to implement and can be a very engaging activity for the six to nine year age group. 

Read this post to learn how even homeschool moms with absolutely no musical knowledge can introduce their kids to music in the homeschool, by introducing them to different genres of music. 

As always I have made age appropriate printables available, so don’t forget to download them once you are done reading. 



Ask your children to research (if they can) and find a list of different genres of music. 

If they are unable to do this independently, you can start this process off by pre-selecting five to six genres of music and introduce them to the kids by name. 



Next, you narrow down the list of genres that the kids were introduced to and select two for in-depth study. 

Once you’ve settled on two genres, create a playlist for each genre. 

If your kids are able to independently do this, then let them create the playlists, themselves. 



You guessed it. 

In this stage, play the music in the background throughout the day. 

This will help the children to become familiar with the music and without their knowledge they will even be familiar with the different nuances attached to each of the two genres, which will help them with the next activity. 


Compare And Contrast

Now, use the two playlists and ask you kids to compare and contrast the music in terms of the volume, pitch, pace, the instruments used, the emotions they elicit, the styles and much more. 

With younger kids, you can simply discuss these aspects and with older kids you can ask them to write a brief essay. 

Use the age appropriate printables I have made available for this post. 


So what do you think? 

Are these ideas easy enough for you to implement in the homeschool? 

Why or why not?

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

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