4 Benefits You May Not Have Known About Learning Piano Online

One thing I often hear from non homeschooling parents and even many homeschooling parents is that when it comes to learning to play the piano or any other musical instrument, it is best to learn one on one, in a face to face setting, rather than online.
While I do agree that there are merits to learning to play the piano in the traditional offline manner, I want to point out that there are some very unique benefits of learning to play the piano online that many of these parents and even you may have overlooked.
Creates Self Esteem
I think the first and biggest benefit that kids gain by learning to play the piano online is a sense of self esteem and confidence.
Children who learn to play and instrument online or in an offline setting are said to have more confidence than their peers who may not have learned to play an instrument.
However, those that learn to play an instrument online often have a higher level of self esteem, simply because it is close to being self taught and children who are able to feel this way, often believe that they can learn anything, which in turn heightens their sense of self worth, esteem and confidence.
Helps Cultivate Better Study Habits
As you may already know and as I have heard from many opponents of online and e-learning methods is that while the take up of online courses maybe high, the retention and completion rates for those same courses can be very low.
Some studies have indicated that it can be as low as 10%.
While I’m not disputing that fact, I also think there is something important that we need to look at here.
Homeschooled kids and homeschooling parents are knowns to break traditional education boundaries and thus, why would they allow themselves to to be defined or limited by such facts?
Completions and retention rates are so low, not due to inadequacies in the method, but often due to the lack of discipline and good study habits in kids.
Thus, taking up online learning, being disciplined and staying the course, will help your child to develop strong study habits that will no doubt give him or her an edge later on in life.
Enhances Problem Solving Abilities
Another reason pointed out by opponents of online piano courses is that there is no teacher physically present to provide feedback and help with difficult and challenging pieces.
Again, while this is in fact correct, it is important to note that often these online courses, come with forums and different resources that help students creatively and constructively find answers to their problems.
Thus, not only teaching them to play the piano but also developing a vital soft skill like problem solving.
Increases Initiative and Self Motivation
Learning to play the piano online can seem cheap and convenient, but those very same benefits can also be the achilles heal of the method.
Yes, it is cheaper and yes, it is more convenient to learn to play the piano online, but simply because it is cheap, it should not be taken lightly. Therefore as a first step children should be taught to make it a routine daily. They should be taught to learn, practice and keep moving on even when it is tough.
Doing so will not only help them take the initiative but also help them to develop self motivation.
What do you think? Do you agree that there are key benefits to be gained by learning to play the piano online as opposed to offline?
Want to try out a simple Online Piano course?
Then click here and get on the waitlist for 5 Free Piano Lessons, where I will teach your child to Read Music Notes and Play the Piano in less than Two Weeks.

Karen Cadera
Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.
My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.
This program reminded me (and allowed me to teach my son) how to read music. To me, that was the most important thing that we learned together. Of course, it was very rewarding for me to watch my son play the piano with both hands at the same time, while reading sheet music. His favorite parts of the course were actually playing the songs and doing the worksheets provided.
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