3 ‘Ultra Important’ Life Skills That Learning Piano Can Help Cultivate In Your Children

Most parents I know, want their kids to learn to play the piano or any other musical instrument, because they have read all the research about how good music is for the development of the young brain.
While it is in fact true that learning to play the piano or any other instrument for that manner, is excellent for brain development, something that is often overlooked and what I think is even more important is the different life skills that come through learning to play an instrument.
In this post, I hope to shed light on what those important life skills are, how learning to play an instrument will help your child develop those skills and most importantly, how these skills will help your child and in what areas they will come in handy.
So, without further ado let me get started on the first and most important life skill in my opinion
Yes, we all know that patience is a virtue, but how does learning to play the piano or another instrument help develop that specific skill?
Learning to play the piano for instance requires a variety of different cognitive skills to come into play as well as physical and spatial skills.
Therefore, even if your child is able to read music well, getting the right, hand eye co-ordination, rhythm and beat and so can be very hard.
Thus it takes time, effort and patience.
Most importantly your child will have to be patient with himself.
How many of us are guilty of being impatient with ourselves? I know I have been guilty of this on many occasions and I’m sure you are no different.
As you know learning to be patient with ourselves and not getting frustrated is vital if we are to stick with things that are difficult to learn.
The next vital skill it teaches is…
As we all know the difference between winners and losers, is not simply some God given talent, but rather the ability to keep chugging on, in the face of failure and not quit.
Something I always remind my kids as well as myself is that ‘winners never quit and quitters never win’.
Learning to play the piano or any other instrument is no different and therefore, perseverance is another vital life skill that it can teach kids.
Also as you know, staying on course especially when the going gets tough, whether it is in academics, personal relationships or in health related areas is vital and the life skill learned here will definitely be useful for your children as they grow in to responsible young adults.
Ok. so what is the last lifeskill?
Again very similar to the other two but also very different.
Resilience is the ability to stay strong, pick yourself up off of the floor when something devastating has happened to you, isn’t it?
When learning to play the piano or any instrument, I can assure you that your child will face many, many failures even though he keeps working hard.
That’s the nature of things.
Hanging in there, taking it in his stride and being able to take a short break, catch his breath and come back the next day to start practicing again, will develop resilience in your child and can you imagine just how helpful that will be to him, later in life?
So, what do you think? Do you agree with me?
Are these useful life skills to develop?
Wish you could have your kids learning to play the piano today, so they can start developing these skills while also learning an instrument? Why not try out my FREE piano lessons and have your kids Reading Music Notes and Playing the Piano in less than 5 days.
It’s absolutely FREE and all you need is access to a piano or a keyboard.

Karen Cadera
Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.
My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.
This program reminded me (and allowed me to teach my son) how to read music. To me, that was the most important thing that we learned together. Of course, it was very rewarding for me to watch my son play the piano with both hands at the same time, while reading sheet music. His favorite parts of the course were actually playing the songs and doing the worksheets provided.
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