3 ‘Must Ask’ Questions Before You Commit To Online Piano Lessons
Online piano lessons have become very popular amongst the homeschooling community and also amongst other groups, due to a variety of different reasons that I have discussed in one of my previous posts 9 ‘Undeniable’ Benefits Of Learning Piano Online.
However, if you are still on the fence about choosing between online and offline piano lessons, I would urge caution.
Yes, even though I am an online educator and stand to gain from you choosing online over offline, I want to make sure that you are making the right decision for you and your child, so I urge you to read this post first.
Don’t worry, it is not all doom and gloom, but I am a pragmatist and I would rather have you understand the pitfalls and make an educated decision before you jump in headlong and purchase one of my courses.
Without further ado, here are the three most important questions, you need to ask yourself.
Is Your Child Self Motivated?
Now this is not something you can ask of your 5 year old.
However, if you have a teenager who is asking to learn the piano and you are considering online piano courses, then this is a vital question to ask.
With no physical teacher present, the chances of success are pretty low unless your child is actually self motivated.
Now, if you have a younger child, remember even though the course is online and may not require much involvement on your part, you cannot take a 100% hands off approach.
Rather, you should be involved and remember, that it is up to you to keep your child motivated. This would be the case, even if your child takes up an offline course.
Is Your Child Focused?
Again, this is more so for the teenager rather than the 7 year old.
Either way, when children have to go online, they can be distracted so much more than if they were in an offline class.
Therefore, focus is vital at any age.
I’m not trying to discourage you from letting your child take an online course, rather I am simply showing you the pitfalls, in the hopes that you can find ways to mitigate them before you start them on an online course.
Is Your Child Persevering?
This is an essential skill to develop in both online and offline studies.
However, it is vital for online studies, due to the number of distractions and the lack of a physical teacher’s presence to keep your child from quitting at the slightest whiff of a challenge.
So what are your answers to all of the above, are they all a YES, a NO or a Maybe.
If your answers were anywhere between a NO and a Maybe, it doesn’t automatically mean that your child is not a good candidate for online piano courses, but rather that you will have to put a framework in place to support him and help reduce or even avoid the pitfalls.
In my blog post 5 Absolute “Must Do’s” To Succeed When Learning Piano Online, I touch on how you can set up the necessary framework, environment and habits that will give your child the highest chance of succeeding at online piano.
I always love to hear from my readers, so please leave your comments below.
Karen Cadera
Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.
My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.
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