7 Super Simple Ways To Incorporate Music Lessons In All You Do At Home
Did you know that, whether you have had any formal training in music or not, as a parent you can incorporate music lessons at home with very little trouble?
Well, you can.
Most parents irrespective of musical knowledge are really surprised and don’t even believe me. But I love to explain to them how easy it is and watch that light bulb go on.
So let me do that again in this post, and imagine the light bulb go on in your head as well.
Play Music In The Background
Do you have a playlist on on your iPad, or a favourite list on YouTube?
Do you have an Amazon/Spotify or Apple subscription, then just pick a playlist and get started. It doesn’t matter what music you play as long as you play it.
Don’t think that simply playing music will help or have no idea how to get creative?
Then read my blog posts 5 Ways To Use A Musical Playlist To Learn Music Appreciation, and 9 ‘Shockingly’ Simple Ways To use your Amazon Prime/Apple Music/Spotify To Add More Musical Joy To Your Home.
Recognize and Repeat Common Beats In The Environment
Do you know that the natural environment we inhabit as well as the artificial environments we have built, all have their own beats?
Think of your heart, that is a natural beat.
Think of the flow of water down a stream, do you hear the rhythm?
How about the sound made by a woodpecker?
What about the sound made by a clothes dryer?
Recognize these beats and rhythms when at home and out on hikes and nature walks and imitate those sounds.
Want to know more about how you can teach rhythm and beat at home without too much hassle? Then read my post 4 ‘Super Easy’ Ways To Teach Rhythm & Beat In the Homeschool.
Blend It Into History Lessons
Do your kids learn history? For example if they are learning about the civil war, then research the types of music and composers of that time, create a playlist and listen to the music of that era. You can even do this with musical instruments and research what instruments were invented during that time and listen to music played with those instruments.
Blend it Into Geography Lessons
Same as the above. Let’s say your kids are learning about Austria, then research the names of some great Austrian composers, create a playlist and listen to the music. Why not go a step further and learn about the composers themselves?
Want to learn more about how to blend music into other subjects your kids learn? Then read my post 5 ‘Innovative’ Ways To Blend Music With Other Subjects.
Dancing And Skipping
Use the playlists that you have already compiled or have found online and create dance and skipping routines. Why not take it a step further and learn to dance?
Think learning to dance costs money?
Think again. Read this post, I wrote a while ago and find many free online dance classes – Top 10 Dance Classes On YouTube.
Reading Stories To Tunes
This is a really fun one to do with all ages, however, in my experience it is the little ones who enjoy it the most.
Pick a tune that you can easily sing and then read a story out loud to that tune.
Singing, Creating Your Own Lyrics Etc
Now take it all a step further.
You can sing any song, anytime of the day, but why not have kids create their own lyrics and put it to different tunes.
Why not sing to each other instead of speaking to each other?
Now that you have learned so many different strategies to incorporate music lessons in all you do at home, I would really love to hear which one you will start off with today. So please comment below.
Karen Cadera
Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.
My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.
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