2 Powerful Reasons Why Your Child Should Create Her Own Music When Learning To Play The Piano

by | Oct 3, 2023 | Beginner Piano, Composition, Homeschool Piano, Online Piano, Piano Lessons for Kids, Unschooling Piano

When parents think of having their kids learn to play the piano or any other instrument, creating music is not the first thing that comes to mind. 

This is because we are all taught that we have to become a master at technique before we can learn to create something. 

While this is true in most cases, it doesn’t have to be always the case. 

So in this blog post, I will be talking about why it is important for your child to learn to create his own music, while she is still learning. 


Develop A Musical Ear

The first reason that this is so important is that when kids try to compose their own music, they automatically train their musical ear, to understand what works and what doesn’t. 

Thus, increasing the speed at which, they learn and helping them in all the other areas of learning, such as sight reading and rhythm etc. 

Also it helps them to hear what they read, play what they hear, and read what they play. 

Thus making use of all the different sense such as visual, auditory and kinesthetic. 


Focuses On Musical Arrangements

By learning to compose and create their own music, kids also learn to focus on musical arrangements in the works of other composers.

This in turn helps them to learn what works in music and what doesn’t. 

Granted they will be learning these things when learning theory. 

However, when they do this from a very young age, with little knowledge of theory, they are doing it by ear and tend to know it almost instinctively thus, making learning, more hands on. 


As you can see there are a variety of different reasons why your child needs to learn to create his or her own music, but the two reasons stated here are the most important and incidentally are also the major reasons why I include music composition in my Homeschool Music Curriculum programs. 


Want to learn more about these programs, then sign up here right now. 

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

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