4 Essential Reasons Why Children Who Play By Ear Need To Learn Music Theory

by | Nov 30, 2021 | Homeschool Music, Homeschool Piano, Music Theory, Musicmanship and Technique, Piano Lessons for Kids, Unschooling Music, Unschooling Piano

Have you often been told that if your child is able to play the piano or any musical instrument by ear, he doesn’t need to learn music theory?

Even if you haven’t heard it, I have heard exactly those sentiments many times over. 

There are several different myths surrounding this issue and in this post, I thought I should explain to you why it is important that your child learns music theory, even though he may be able to play a musical instrument by ear. 


Hear, Play, See

When a child plays a musical instrument by ear, he is often playing a tune that he has heard. 

While this is great, we have to remember that not all the parts of the brain are being exercised. 

Of course, not every learning activity will engage every part of the brain, but in music like in other areas of study, it is often best to have a variety of activities so different parts of the brain are engaged at different times and thus helps with retention and further learning. 

So, the bottom line is if your child is able to read music and write music, he will be able to ‘play what he hears’ (playing by ear), ‘hear what he plays’ (listening to what he plays), ‘play what he sees’ (read what he plays) and ‘see what he plays’ (write what he plays).

Thus, making the entire experience a well rounded and balanced one.

Want to learn more about how reading and writing music can help your child? Then please read my post 7 Reasons Why Your Child Needs To Read & Write Music.


Music Analysis

It is true that talented musicians can analyse music pieces by simply listening to it alone. 

However, not all of us can do that. Yes, we can do simple analysis exercises, but as the tunes and harmonies become more complex, reading sheet music and analyzing it becomes necessary. 

Therefore, in order to be able to do that your child needs to learn music theory. 


Increases Understanding And Focus

When your child is able to see what he plays and hear what he plays, his understanding will be greatly increased, and his ability to learn will be greatly enhanced. 

This is not to discount the importance of playing by ear, but rather to say that learning to read and write music will exponentially increase his musicmanship even more. 

Have you been told the opposite about learning music theory? 

Have you been told that learning music theory will actually be an impediment for your child, rather than a boon? 

Then please read my post 5 Absolutely Untrue Myths About Music Theory That You Never Should Buy Into. 


Teaches Rhythm And Beat

Music theory teaches your child about the complexities of rhythm and beat and how it is often manipulated to make very simple tunes sound snazzy. Of course, chord variations have a lot to do with it as well, and in order to be able to learn all of these different aspects of music, it is important to be able to read and write and therefore, learn music theory. Did you know that you can use clapping as a means of teaching your child all about rhythm and beat? Read my post 5 Important Reasons Why Your Child Needs Clap and 4 Ways To Teach Rhythm And Beat In The Homeschool. 


So now that you’ve become aware of the importance of music theory, will you be teaching your child music theory? 

Want help? All my Teach Your Child Piano courses, include music theory as a very important element. 

Want something basic at a beginners level? 

Then sign up right now for my FREE piano lessons, and have your child Reading Music Notes and Playing the Piano in just 5 days. 

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

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