3 ‘Ridiculously Simple’ Ways To Incorporate Music Education In To The Unschooling Lifestyle

by | Jul 26, 2022 | Homeschool Music, Music Appreciation, Musical Activities For Kids, Rhythm and Beat, Unschooling Music

Most unschooling parents tend to think of piano lessons or any specific instrument lessons as very structured, and therefore may not always be a good fit for their kids. 

However, I’m here to say that, it is not always true. There are many different ways in which, music lessons can be incorporated in to the unschooling lifestyle without actually following a thorough and structured program. 

In this post, I will introduce all those three methods to you. So here goes. 


Keeping A Lot Of Instruments 

Yes, simply keeping a variety of musical instruments around the house has helped numerous unschooling parents to introduce music in the homeschool and to get older kids into instrument studies, without too much trouble.

Just having the instruments around, arouses curiosity in younger kids, who start to play with the instruments and older kids often find their way to online music lessons very easily with little urging from their parents. 

Want to know more about how you can add musical instruments to your home, without breaking the bank? Then you should read my blog post, 9 ‘No Fail’ Ways To Fill Your Homeschool With Instruments. 


Music History, Composer Or Instrument Studies, Movie Musicals

Keeping books around the house or simply borrowing books that teach about the history of music (such as the different eras in music), or composers, or musical instruments is one way to get your kids interested in music. 

Want to know more about incorporating history of music, composer and instrument studies to your unschooling lifestyle? Then I think you will like my posts 6 Ways To Incorporate instrument Studies To Your Homeschool, Composer Biographies For All Ages, and 4 Unimaginably Easy Ways To Incorporate Composer Studies.

Another very effective, but unfortunately ignored method is through watching movie musicals. This method not only results in much family fun, but also helps kids to appreciate music unknowingly. Thus, again, fitting in perfectly with the unschooling lifestyle. 

Don’t know where to start with Movie Musicals? Then read my blog post on 7 ‘Must See’ Musicals and Top 12 ‘Must See’ Musicals Categorized By Age. 


Incorporating Music Into The Daily Routine

There are many different ways in which, you as a parent can add music to your unschooling lifestyle.

Clapping while listening to songs on the radio or songs in your playlist, are one big way of introducing your kids to rhythm and beat. 

Singing is another great and yet very easy way to introduce your kids to music. Dancing is yet another healthy and physical way of appreciating music.

Need more ideas on how you can add music to your unschooling routine, then continue on and read these posts for even more ideas. 4 Ways To Incorporate music In The Homeschool, 5 Ways To Use A Musical Playlist To Learn Music Appreciation, 6 Ridiculously Simple Ways To Bring Music To Your Homeschool Without Private Lessons, 7 Ways Unschoolers Can Incorporate Or Encourage Kids To Appreciate Music. 


Now that you’ve read this post and got an idea of how you can incorporate music education to the unschooling lifestyle, do you have any questions for me? 

What is the first thing you will attempt to do to introduce your kids to music? 

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

My daughter loved the games, but there were also worksheets and videos. The weekly lesson plans were complete, and I never questioned what I should be doing next.

Lisa Tanner

Homeschool Mom

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