3 ‘Must Know’ Reasons Why Learning To Sing Is Important

by | Feb 8, 2022 | Ear Training, Homeschool Music, Musical Activities For Kids, Musicmanship and Technique, Rhythm and Beat, Unschooling Music

Many people who are able to sing, discount that ability and they do the same with kids as well. 

I have seen and heard of many parents who don’t really pay attention to their kids’ ability to sing. 

What most don’t understand is that while it is important and even nice to be able to play an instrument, being able to sing gives kids and adults a huge advantage, when it comes to learning music. 

Surprised? Well, don’t be. 

Read on and let me explain. 


Helps Train The Ear

Yes, you read that right. Being able to sing helps train a child’s ear. 

Even a simple nursery rhyme goes high and low and simply being able to distinguish he differences and imitate it, goes a long way in helping to train the ear. 

By helping kids to understand the different nuances in pitch, volume and speed, we actually help to speed up the process of musical learning because they learn to distinguish the differences in the melodies and harmony. 


Boosts Musical Memory

This is a very important point. 

Often when children start sight reading music, they have to be able to read, understand and interpret things like timing and rhythm and keep to the beat. 

Unfortunately, not many kids are interested in music theory and since a knowledge of music theory is necessary for them to be able to decipher these aspects from a piece of sheet music, if they are able to hum or sing the tune, often a knowledge and ability to read the notes alone is sufficient. 

This is because they remember the tune and can hum it and therefore, can play with the correct rhythm even if they can’t understand and interpret the musical signs. 

Also being able to sign a song with the correct rhythm, beat and pitch, enables them to play by ear, because their musical memory is far ahead of most other kids who can’t sign and therefore, don’t remember enough of the tune to try to play it by ear. 


Helps Communicate Musical Ideas

Say your child cannot read and write music or even if he does, his knowledge may not be advanced enough for him to write down his compositions. 

Well, if he can sing then he can definitely still communicate his ideas for tune, pitch, rhythm, beat and volume by singing or humming and thus have someone else write down the music for his composition. 


As I have told you previously, many great musicians were unable to read or write a single note of music, yet that didn’t stop them composing and having their music published. 

The difference is that they were able to communicate their compositions to people who could actually write it down for them and thus, they were able to get their creations into the world and the ability to sing was one such way that they got those creations from out of their heads and on to paper. 


This is one of the reason that many of our music courses also encourage and help with singing. So, come take a free course and see what your child can learn. 

Karen Cadera

Karen Cadera


Mom, Teacher, Minimalist, Zero Waste Enthusiast, Multi Pod.

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